Monday, July 28, 2008


I met Mike Patz at the base of the Town Wall the other day. Index has some of the best granite I have ever climbed on and the Town Wall features a stock pile of line after line after line. Good stuff. I found a hat there, which was quite nice. It's striped, has a dragon on it, and is definitely a hip hat for a hip guy. For half of the day I wore it crooked, so the bill was pointing towards one o'clock. It was quite fashionable, until I realized that it's really hard to walk straight with a crooked hat. I ran into a couple trees and got lost on the trail to the Blues Cliff. That night, Mike and I stayed with my buddy Cole Allen. Cole's a classic character. We had to drive to Goldbar to get gas for his vanagon, as the fuel gauge on his clunker broke long ago and he'd used up all his unleaded. At the gas station Cole struck up a conversation with a woman who insisted she had been in Twisted Sister, the eighties glam band. She certainly looked the part.

I've been trying to work on an article about the bouldering here in Leavenworth. Max is going to have a bunch of pictures published in Climbing. Someone else is already writing the article but, I might try to submit mine anyway. I wonder what the protocol is and what the ethics surrounding it are.

I really need to buy a computer.

Last week, I ran over to Jessica's house, picked up some flour and a few of the Rainer cherries from her backyard, and made an awesome cherry pie. I wish I had pictures. It was inspiring. I really like baking. Pies are fun. I need to branch out and start baking some more difficult shit. Maybe croissants or turnovers.

1 comment:

KHS said...

Nice Blog James, but where are all the fucking pictures? Show me the money.

Check out mine:

See you in the big Schitty